Eure Lieblingszeilen

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  • #2558817  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2007

    Beiträge: 31,445

    Ohne Frage diese:

    Fruit tree, fruit tree
    No-one knows you but the rain and the air.
    Don’t you worry
    They’ll stand and stare when you’re gone.

    Fruit tree, fruit tree
    Open your eyes to another year.
    They’ll all know
    That you were here when you’re gone.

    (Nick Drake ~ Fruit tree)


    Hold on Magnolia to that great highway moon
    Highlights von
    #2558819  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 18.01.2003

    Beiträge: 13,381

    WischmopSo I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said: I know you and you cannot sing
    I said: That’s nothing, you should hear me play piano

    ja, die finde ich auch großartig!

    und passend dazu (naja…) …

    So I packed up all your pictures
    Sat at your piano
    Never heard a person who could play quite like you
    It was clumsy but committed
    Ugly but you meant it
    Sounds you made come out if it were crooked and blue

    (Tommy and The Whale – Crooked and Blue)

    No low emotions rolling tonight
    Young heavy hopefuls staying the night
    So stick around and wait for the day
    Craziness kills lazyness ’n‘ happiness
    Takes bad bets no one gives a fuck you see we’re all out of our little heads

    (The View – Wasted Little DJs)


    Dirty, dirty feet from the concert in the grass / I wanted to believe that freedom there could last (Willy Mason)
    #2558821  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.01.2006

    Beiträge: 16,110

    „And if a double-decker bus
    crashes into us
    to die by your side
    is such a heavenly way to die
    and if a ten ton truck
    kills the both of us
    to die by your side
    well, the pleasure and the privilege is mine“

    (The Smiths – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out)


    #2558823  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 07.08.2008

    Beiträge: 8,651

    Tell everybody what your dreaming of
    Love is the message and the message is love
    Uh-huh-yeah-eah-eah-ay-ay, libblelibblelibblelibble, Woh yeah
    Love is the message and the message is love (weh-heh)
    From the streets to the mountains to the heavens above (uh-huh-uh)
    (Tell everybody) Tell everybody (yeah-hey) what your dreaming of
    Woh-hoh-hoh-oh, that love is the message and the message is love (oh-oh)

    [Arthur Baker & The Backbeat Disciples “The Message Is Love”]


    #2558825  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 18.09.2004

    Beiträge: 26,166

    „chromosome make itself at home in the bone – don’t know how to leave it alone – happy little cells, they flip from her lip – and spend the night here screaming for the mothership.
    molecule, molly is nobody’s fool – comes from an excellent gene pool – happy little cells, they flip from her lip – and spend the night here screaming for the mothership.“

    Giant Sand – Increment of love


    “It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike Royko
    #2558827  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 07.08.2008

    Beiträge: 8,651

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
    If a woodchuck couldn’t chuck wood?
    It would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could
    If a Woodchuck couldn’t chuck wood?
    Safe and simple like a game
    Pumping out the same old same
    Repetitive regurgitation
    It’s the Pepsi generation
    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
    A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
    Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
    Straight ahead follow the path
    Is it music or is it math?
    With formulas for going gold
    The same old thing it’s getting old
    Blah, blah, blah, blah
    Blah blah blah blah blah blah
    Standardized, homogenized, sterilized
    I’ve heard that song before
    Deodorized, commercialized, televised
    I’ve heard that song before
    Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said This
    butter’s bitter
    If I put it in my batter, my batter will be bitter
    But a bit of better butter will make my batter better
    Then Betty Botter bought some butter
    Better than the bitter butter, put it in her batter
    She put a bit of better butter into her batter- made
    her batter better!
    Blah, blah, blah, blah
    Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah
    Standardized, homogenized, sterilized
    If heard that song before
    Deodorized, commercialized, televised
    I’ve heard that song before
    Recycle it, trash for cash
    Gonna be a hit gonna be a smash
    Mmmm!, tastes just like chicken
    In my car I drive along, the radio it plays a song
    To the song I sing along, I sing along to the song
    Why do I sing, sing along?
    Do I sing cause it’s a good song?
    Or because I’m brainwashed
    ‚Cause I hear it every five minutes!
    I sing along to dog food commercials too
    I don’t see the difference, do you?
    A dog can lip-sync too
    The Mainstream, can you say bore?
    Respectable, acceptable, I’ve heard that song before
    Standardized, homogenized, sterilized
    I’ve heard that song before
    Deodorized, commercialized, televised
    I’ve heard that song before
    Before, Before, I’ve heard that song before
    Standardized, homogenized, sterilized
    I’ve heard that song before

    [Scatterbrain „Tastes Just Like Chicken“]


    #2558829  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.05.2005

    Beiträge: 4,499

    there are some churches where i felt the love, emotion oh so sweet
    and there’s some churches where i’ve been so bored i’ve drifted off to sleep
    well i have seen the light and the power of the church of st john coltrane
    but in the chambers of darkness swear i’ve felt the higher spiritual plane

    there are some chapels that have brought the people way down to their knees
    and there are churches that have claimed to save the people from disease
    but there’s this place in houston texas, seems like the perfect church to me
    reminds me of your heart and how comforting a cold black void could be

    your heart is like the rothko chapel, cold dark void yet simple and intriguing
    somewhat comforting, got me believing almost anything
    there was this line by charlie parker, somewhat worth remembering:
    „if you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn, chances are you’ll never be reborn“

    David Dondero, Rothko Chapel


    C'mon Granddad!
    #2558831  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 04.03.2004

    Beiträge: 2,521

    what ever happened to all the heroes
    All the Shakespearos

    nebenbei the dark knight returns(1) und The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2) gelesen


    #2558833  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 05.04.2006

    Beiträge: 11,780

    This is the end of happiness, this is the end dreams…


    #2558835  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 11.04.2006

    Beiträge: 374

    The Humpty Dumpty Love Song / Travis

    now as i lie in pieces and wait for your return
    the sun upon my forehead it burns
    baby burns baby burns
    an eye on all my horses
    you’ve slept with all my men
    i’m never gonna get it together again
    still all i need is you
    i just need you

    Last Goodbye / Jeff Buckley

    Kiss me, please kiss me,
    But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation.
    Oh, you know it makes me so angry ‚cause I know that in time
    I’ll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye

    First Day Of My Life / Bright Eyes

    So if you wanna be with me
    With these things there’s no telling
    We’ll just have to wait and see
    But I’d rather be working for a paycheck
    Than waiting to win the lottery


    #2558837  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.10.2007

    Beiträge: 24,622

    You remember
    You said you had
    No time to lose
    But there’ll be time
    For everything when you return
    When you come back
    We’ll have all the time in the world
    When you come back
    There’ll be nothing to lose
    But the world
    But the world

    Tuxedomoon – Time To Lose (1982)


    Je suis Charlie Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. T.P.
    #2558839  | PERMALINK

    Gang of One

    Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

    Beiträge: 5,644

    Ein paar gute Zeilen aus Songs, die ich in den letzten zwei Tagen gehört habe:

    „Love’s not enough, in itself.“ – der Widerspruch zum häufiger gesungenen „Love is all you need“
    (Martin Gore, „Love in itself“, 1983)

    „Must you tell me all your secrets when it’s hard enough to love you knowing nothing?“
    (Lloyd Cole, „Four Flights Up“, 1984)

    „You surely are a truly gifted kid but you’re only as good as the last great thing you did.“
    „I hear you’ve got a new girlfriend – how’s the wife taking it?“
    (Paddy McAloon, „Moving the River“, 1985)

    „It takes guts to be gentle and kind.“
    (Morrissey, „I know it’s over“, 1986)


    To Hell with Poverty
    #2558841  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.01.2008

    Beiträge: 4

    A b c d e f and g, oh this reminds me of when we were free <- schöner gehts nicht [I]One Last Time The Kooks [B]Is he dark enough to see your light? <- besser gehts nicht [I]Accidental Babies Damien Rice


    #2558843  | PERMALINK

    Gang of One

    Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

    Beiträge: 5,644

    „My smile is my make-up I wear since my break-up with you“
    (Smokey Robinson, „The Tracks of my Tears“, 1965)


    To Hell with Poverty
    #2558845  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.10.2007

    Beiträge: 24,622

    Go1“My smile is my make-up I wear since my break-up with you“
    (Smokey Robinson, „The Tracks of my Tears“, 1965)

    Wie kommst Du denn ausgerechnet heute darauf?


    Je suis Charlie Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. T.P.
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