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And so, I broke into the Palace
with a sponge and a rusty spanner
she said:“ Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing“
I said „thats nothing-you should hear me play piano“(the smiths – the queen is dead)
Ich könnt mich jedesmal inn´ Dreck schmeißen wenn ich das höre.
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Queen: Was macht eigentlich Bassist John Deacon?
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WerbungO`MalleyHehe, von Extrabreit habe ich auch noch andere Zeilen im Ohr:
Vadder is schon lange verloren gegangen,
der hat sich im Treppenhaus aufgehangen…aus meinem Lieblingslied Junge, wir können so heiß sein.
Geiler Song, geile Platte. Aber sag mir doch mal bitte, was „Junge, wir können so heiß sein“ mit Walk on the Wild Side von Lou Reed zu tun hat? Hab da so einen Verdacht, bin mir aber nicht sicher.
Es gibt 2 Arten von Menschen: Die einen haben geladene Revolver, die anderen buddeln.If dreams were thunder
lightning was desire
this old house it would’ve burned down
a long time agound:
Just give me one thing
that I can hold on to.
To believe in this livin´
is just a hard way to go.Bonnie Raitt, „Angel from Montgomery“ (John Prine)
Radio StoneFM | "Solos come and go. Riffs last forever." (Keith Richards) | The fact that there's a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers.ob er sie zuerst sah oder sie ihn
war so was von gar nicht mehr wichtig
als sie am anderen morgen erwachten
lagen sie so was von richtig
Stoppok – GoldgräberEinfach schön. Darauf muss man erstmal kommen.
Do what you gotta do
Come on back see me when you can
Man I can understand how it might be
Kinda hard to love a girl like me
I don’t blame you much for wanting to be free
I just wanted you to know
I’ve loved you better that your own kin did
From the very start it’s my own fault
What happens to my heart
You see I’ve always known you’d goSo you just do what you gotta do
My wild sweet love
Though it may mean that I’ll never kiss
Those sweet lips again
Pay that no mind
Find that dappled dream of yours
Come on back and see me when you canNow I know it’ll make you feel sad
And make you feel so bad
They say you don’t treat me me like you should
They got ways to make you feels no good
I guess they got no way to know
I’ve had my eyes wide open from the start
And man you never lied to me
The part of you that they’ll never see
Is the part you’ve shown to meSo you just do what you gotta do
My wild sweet love
Though it may mean that I’ll never kiss
Those sweet lips again
Pay that no mind
Find that dappled dream of yours
Come on back and see me when you canund dazu die Stimme von Nina… einfach genial.
Di. & Do. ab 20.00 Uhr, Sa. von 20.30 Uhr Infos unter: [/COLOR][/SIZE]http://www.radiostonefm.deEbenso so schön, dieser Song, den Nina singt…
The more I see you,
The more I want you.
Somehow this feeling
Just grows and grows.
With every sigh I become more mad about you,
More lost without you,
And so it goes.
Can you imagine
How much I’ll love you
The more I see you
As years go by?
I know the only one for me can only be you.
My arms won’t free you;
My heart won’t try.--
Di. & Do. ab 20.00 Uhr, Sa. von 20.30 Uhr Infos unter: [/COLOR][/SIZE]http://www.radiostonefm.denicht das ich darauf abfahre… aber Nina singt diese Schmerztitel einfach so schön… die Texte sind in ihrer Stimme so voller Leidenschaft.
Love o’love o’love o’love
Say love o’love o’love o’love
I had a love so pure so strong
I keep wondering just where my love went wrong
My love went wrongI say why oh why won’t love free me
Why o why won’t love love free me
Oh untie my hands unchain my feet
And set my poos ol’ body freeI… why must love keep me a slave oh
Why why must love keep me a slave
I can’t help myself I ain’t got no friends
It will take me take me straight to my grave
Love will take me straight to my grave--
Di. & Do. ab 20.00 Uhr, Sa. von 20.30 Uhr Infos unter: [/COLOR][/SIZE]http://www.radiostonefm.deVerirrt im eigenen Treppenhaus,
in der ersten Morgenbrise. Ich hab nichts
gegen eine Nachricht. Bloß nicht schon
wieder diese. Was soll das heißen hier,
ich krieg nichts mehr? Ich bin bankrott –
Na und? Und ihr? Keine Lust mich überhaupt
darum zu kümmern. Diese Scheiße mit dem
Geld und ihr Verlauf, reibt dich nur auf.
Ich esse eure Suppe nicht. Nein, eure
Suppe esse ich nicht. Schon lieber mache
ich haufenweise Miese und fahr die
neugekaufte Karre auf die Wiese. Daß es
Dresche gibt dafür, war immer klar. Die
lachen sich doch tot, wenn sich so´n Typ
wie ich beschwert. Und lächeln immer
noch, wenn er krepiert.Ich finde diesen Text Klasse…Die Sterne – risikobiographie
Who knows where the time goes?
Across the evening sky, all the birds are leaving
But how can they know it’s time for them to go?
Before the winter fire, I will still be dreaming
I have no thought of timeFor who knows where the time goes?
Who knows where the time goes?Sad, deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving
Ah, but then you know it’s time for them to go
But I will still be here, I have no thought of leaving
I do not count the timeFor who knows where the time goes?
Who knows where the time goes?And I am not alone while my love is near me
I know it will be so until it’s time to go
So come the storms of winter and then the birds in spring again
I have no fear of timeFor who knows how my love grows?
And who knows where the time goes?Der Song von Sandy Denny in der Version von Nina Simone … boah, ist das geil!!!
Di. & Do. ab 20.00 Uhr, Sa. von 20.30 Uhr Infos unter: [/COLOR][/SIZE]http://www.radiostonefm.deMy Sister ->
Tindersticks ->
Tindersticks ][ ->
1995I’d look at the grey house opposite, and close the curtains.
She burned down the house when she was ten. I was away camping with the scouts. The fireman said she’d been smoking in bed – the old story, I thought. The cat and our mum died in the flames, so Dad took us to stay with our Aunt in the country. He went back to London to find us a new house. We never saw him again.
Ist ja nett daß das die Katze vor der Mutti genannt wird.
I´ll meet you on a bus at dawn
an open top one if it´s warm
and if the flowers are in bloom
I loose myself to youI´ll be whistling down the street
where our footsteps start to meet
then the crazyness begins
like chalk & chees
we shoot the breeze
heading on west in an open top deck
trying to remember just what for, just what foraus:
Paul Weller: Clues :o--
The real truth about it is no one gets it right
The real truth about it is we’re all supposed to try
There ain’t no end to the sands I’ve been trying to cross
The real truth about it is my kind of life’s no better off
If it’s got the maps or if it’s lost
The real truth about it is there ain’t no end to the desert I’ll cross
I’ve really known that all along
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!aus Monty Python – Meaning Of Life
Is mankind evolving, or is it too late?
Well, tonight, here’s ‚The Meaning of Life‘.Gewann in meiner Liste der schönsten rethorischen Fragen den 1. Platz
It's all wrong, it's all rightSo I don’t know what I should do
with my hands when I talk to you
so you don’t know where you should look
so you look at my hands--
"Man kann nicht verhindern, dass man verletzt wird, aber man kann mitbestimmen von wem. Was berührt, das bleibt!aus I’VE BEEN RIDING WITH THE GHOST (Jason Molina)
See I ain’t getting better. I am only getting behind
I am standing on a crossroad trying to make up my mind
I’m trying to remember how it got so late
Why every night pain comes from a different place
Now something’s got to change
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason! -
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