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COWBOY JUNKIES – All That Reckoning (13.07.2018)
01. All That Reckoning (Part 1)
02. When We Arrive
03. The Things We Do To Each Other
04. Wooden Stairs
05. Sing Me A Song
06. Mountain Stream
07. Missing Children
08. Shining Teeth
09. Nose Before Ear
10. All That Reckoning (Part 2)
11. The Possessed (song not available on vinyl)
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Werbung„All that reckoning“ wird demnächst erstmals auf Vinyl erscheinen. Zusammen mit dem Nachfolgealbum „Ghosts“ und zwar limitiert auf 500 Stück. Stolzer Preis auch….
.Das sind kanadische Dollar, das ist ein bisschen weniger. Lohnen sich die Platten, kennt die jemand?
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.fuse„All that reckoning“ wird demnächst erstmals auf Vinyl erscheinen.
Das Album wurde aber auch schon 2018 auf Vinyl veröffentlicht. Allerdings natürlich nicht im Paket mit dem Nachfolger. „All that reckoning“ finde ich sehr gelungen. „Ghosts“ kenne ich (noch) nicht.
there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you killpipe-bowl„All that reckoning“ finde ich sehr gelungen. „Ghosts“ kenne ich (noch) nicht.
gleiches gilt auch für mich
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett - 'Cos music is for listening and not to stored away in a bloody cupboard.Stimmt natürlich, habe mich falsch ausgedrückt – sorry. Die beiden Alben gehören laut Michael Timmins zusammen, dabei wurde „Ghosts“ bisher nur digital veröffentlicht. Ich finde es sehr gelungen, aber es kommt nicht an „All that reckoning“ ran.
Hier noch die Info von Michael Timmins zu der Veröffentlichung:Almost a year ago we released Ghosts as a digital-only album. As we mentioned back then, the idea was to release a double album made up of a re-mastered, re-cut version of All That Reckoning and a second disc that contains the new music, Ghosts. We feel that the two albums work best as two bodies of work but presented as one, so that one can reflect off of the other. And then this darn pandemic-thingy got in the way and all our plans were thrown to the wind.
But along with the promise of vaccines comes this promised two album vinyl set. It’s all contained in a gatefold sleeve adorned with brother Pete’s beautiful new artwork and pressed on 180g vinyl and manufactured in Germany by Optimal Media (who we feel is one of the best, if not the best vinyl manufacturer in the world…we love the sound of everything that we’ve heard that has come out of this plant). And we want to make this release very special, so we are limiting it to a run of only 500 copies, with each copy being factory numbered; and the only place to buy the album is through our webstore. And, yes, it’s expensive, because it is rare and special and worth it…and we want to get paid for our work.
The album is now available for pre-order and will be shipped to you around March 17th. If you are at all interested please order now as we will not be repressing it and when these 500 copies are gone, they are gone…just like so many things in life.
This double album set will not be available on CD.
.Etwas schräge Veröffentlichungspolitik, was „Ghosts“ betrifft. Nicht auf CD und auf Vinyl nur im Paket mit dem Vorgänger. Dann bin ich wohl raus, was den Erwerb eines Tonträgers angeht.
there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you killEbenfalls nur digital erschienen: Margo Timmins – The Ty Tyrfu Sessions
Michael Timmins schreibt: „Many years ago, in the time before pandemics, in the time before streaming services and back when we’d gather together to make music, Margo ventured down the 401 to Guelph, Ontario and to the home of Jeff Bird. There she spent some time with Jeff and a few of his talented musical friends and recorded songs by some of her favourite artists. This album may have been recorded fifteen years ago, but these songs are timeless…. as is Margo’s voice…enjoy. We will all gather again soon.“
- I’d Have You Anytime
- Father and Son
- Things We Said Today
- Tomorrow Is a Long Time
- River
- If I Should Fall Behind
- One Day I Walk
- Walking on a Wire
- Girl from the North Country
- Side of the Road
Hier gibt’s die Links zu den Streamingdiensten:
I'm pretty good with the past. It's the present I can't understand. -
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