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Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!Freudentränen! Klingt so, als wäre das Licht wieder untergegangen.
and now we rise and we are everywhereOb er „Sometimes I Wish…“ noch steigern kann? Eigentlich nicht möglich.
and now we rise and we are everywhereYeah! Tolle Nachrichten!
so little is funIn meinem Ranking liegen sechs Alben vor SIWWWAE.
detours elsewhereJuhu!
It makes a grown man cry!
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!tugboat captainIn meinem Ranking liegen sechs Alben vor SIWWWAE.
Ich weiß, schlimm genug. Ein schlechtes Album wird er vermutlich sowieso nie machen, also besteht Hoffnung auf ein neues Meisterwerk.
and now we rise and we are everywherenikodemusIch weiß, schlimm genug.
Ohne Musik ist alles Leben ein Irrtum.Nun gibts die Tracklist und einen passenden PR-Text:
1. Drover
2. Baby’s Breath
3. America!
4. Universal Applicant
5. Riding For The Feeling
6. Free’s
7. One Fine MorningApocalypse Assistant by Abacus Coopdawn
Essentially an ensemble recorded live in the studio, Bill Callahan’s Apocalypse is the corpus delecti. Something happened here! If tape is like meat, this record is the whole hog! No cuts! Delectables and guts!
In the opening salvo “Drover,” the cattle is herded. Everyone is in this roundup — this is the big one! Listeners! Laughers! Pundits! Wags! Haters! Hausfraus! Mr. Memory and Mrs. Future! Callahan, riding on the back of his band, corrals them all and guides them single-handedly through the Valley with love and ferocity. “Drover,” is the universal gathering, but “Baby’s Breath,” is one man’s plot of land. The focus turns again outward, next, in “America!” Looking at “the last 100 years,” – which we reckon is about the narrative age of this LP – “America!” is a love letter if we’ve ever had the privilege to read one over someone else’s shoulder. “Universal Applicant,” then, is the looking deep within. The flame in the mirror. Canyons can look like cartoons even when they are real.
Side two begins with “Riding for the Feeling.” Saying goodbye to a mass, an ice floe. A wave that sweeps away and away and keeps coming back. It is breath. “Free’s,” is the song of the truly free, the ones that know being free means being kept by the free. “One Fine Morning” ends it all. The mountains that create the valleys of Drover bow down. “Hey! No more drovering!”
This record makes us wonder what has really happened in the last 100 years. And what will happen in the next 10. The soul of your country called and left you a message. Seven messages.--
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!liest sich schonmal sehr spannend. definitiv die platte, auf die ich in diesem jahr am meisten hinfiebere. seit ankündigung freue ich mich schon imens!
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!Ob er es selbst gemalt hat?
and now we rise and we are everywhere„Baby’s Breath“ gibt’s bei Pitchfork zum Anhören. Klingt für mich, als ob er wieder einen Schritt zurückgegangen wäre (nicht unbedingt qualitativ). Erinnert mich in dem Wiederholungsmuster an „A River…“, allerdings zügelloser, weniger in sich ruhend.
and now we rise and we are everywhere -
Schlagwörter: Bill Callahan, Smog
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